Legal Research Institute of Pakistan
LRIP has acknowledged Dr. Richard
E. Smalley’s research entitled “Humanity’s Top 10 Problems for Next 50 Years”
as the questions of public importance and has devised a research based
mechanism to address these issues. The list is as follows:
- 1) Energy
- 2) Water
- 3) Food
- 4) Environment
- 5) Poverty
- 6) Terrorism and War
- 7) Disease
- 8) Education
- 9) Democracy
- 10) Population
In the area of Energy, LRIP has
established the Center of Excellence for Energy Studies, CEES, and under this
department conducted a study on environment and discovered that the World
Health Organization, in its Outdoor Air Pollution (OAP) Database for cities,
has declared three of Pakistan’s cities namely Quetta, Peshawar and Lahore as
the 4th, 6th and 10th most polluted cities in
the world respectively, and hence declared Environmental Pollution as a very
important question of public importance to be addressed.
Accordingly, LRIP conducted an
in-house session on 17th May 2014 in which a founder group was
established which endorsed and acknowledged its concept and passed a resolution
requiring an initiative to address the menace of environmental pollution in Pakistan.
In pursuance of the resolution
passed in the in-house session dated 17th May 2014, LRIP, on 24th
May 2014, organized a presentation on “Status of Air Pollution in Peshawar:
Where Do We Stand Right Now?”, delivered by Engr. Muhammad Ameer Hassaan Butt,
Executive Director CEES and LCEP, which was followed by a questions &
answers session in which recommendations were made requiring LRIP to initiate a
complete plan involving the stake holders for a sustainable national policy on
environment and to conduct a research to know where we stand right now.
It was also appreciated that our
young scholars and students in attendance had expressed their interest in the cause
and in the acknowledgement of their enthusiasm, held a Certificate Awarding
Ceremony on 14th June 2014 and honored their academic and
extracurricular achievements.
In the aforementioned perspective,
LRIP inaugurated and established the LRIP-CEES Environment Programme (LCEP) on
21st June 2014 and under this programme, plans to bring an
Environmental Revolution in Pakistan.