If I were the Environmental Minister of Pakistan !!

Author: Sadia Niazi

Preface ...
As we all know that the Environment Minister of a state leads the Ministry of Environment serving in the cabinet of the Prime Minister. The Environmental Minister is required to be a member of parliament. I shall discuss some of the issues that an Environment Minister has to deal with on a daily basis and present my own views on these issues to deal with them easily.
Main Issues ...
The main issues to be discussed in this passage are ...
1. Traffic Regulation to keep environmental pollution at bay and introduction of environmental friendly fuels and vehicles.
2. Factory wastage to be dealt with safely and usefully.
3. Introduction of nurseries at various places to deal with air pollution and by a long shot “Ozone Depletion”.

These are some of the precautionary measures on some issues I would like to stress upon as The Environmental Minister of the state.
Remedies ...
1. Traffic ... 
As we all know that our environment has been hit by a pandemonium of CO2 emitting vehicles that increase ten-folds on a daily basis. The vehicle owners need to be warned to get their vehicles serviced regularly and those who put a false ear to the warning should be fined or they can convert them into eco-friendly fuel vehicles to minimize air pollution. Also the prices of the eco-friendly vehicles should be lowered so that the general public could afford them without affecting their livelihood.

Eco friendliness awareness seminars and public meetings should be introduced so that the general public would convert their life styles and their daily necessities as according to the changing environmental conditions.

Extensive Motorways with multiple exits should be built to access the city from the outer roads which would take a lot of stress away from the city roads as the major cause of Air pollution is road jams caused by a lot of traffic stuck in a congested city road with smoke and horns clouding the area much like in a rock concert.
2. Factory Wastes ...
Dumping of factory wastage materials in the nearby clean streams and rivers is a major cause of water pollution that contaminates a major part of the water we drink as a daily life sustenance and for other necessities of daily life. The waste material should be carried well away from the areas where there are clean streams, rivers and population and should be utilized in power building projects or should be dumped well away in remote areas where there is no population or any usable material.
3. Nurseries ...
As we know the best way to fight any type of pollution is to purify the air and water supplies around that area and replenish the soil and the best way to do all of that with a single strike is to plant new trees and promote the idea in general public that without proper plantation their beloved land will lose its beauty and become a wasteland instead of a residential/commercial area if immediate precautions are not taken at once.          

Large portions of land should be given to the environmental agencies and Greenpeace projects so that the land should be used for extensive rapid plantation to control the Carbon Dioxide surrounding the environment and purify the air around the densely populated areas and later on more projects should be started so that the effect can be immediate and nationwide.